
Guided tours are scheduled throughout the seasons focused on selected topics and seasonal highlights. All tours are guided by John Albers and start at 10am.

To register, click the GET TICKETS button under the tour(s) you are interested in attending.

The tours are free but a donation to continue the gardens’ mission into the future is encouraged.
Donations can be made on the day of the tour or online.


Low Water-use Plants

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.


Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Drought Resistant Plants

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Autumn Leaves

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Beauty of Fall

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Transition to Winter

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Daffodils Galore

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States
A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Spring Awakening

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Spring Flowers

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

April Bloomers

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Beauty of Spring

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Beauty of Spring

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Maples, Dogwoods & Other Deciduous Trees

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Conifers for Small Gardens

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Evergreen and Deciduous Shrubs

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.


Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Plants for a Warming Climate

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Heat and Drought Tolerant Plants

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Autumn Leaves

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States

A donation of $10 is suggested to help preserve and maintain the gardens.

A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Beauty of Fall

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States
A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.

Transition to Winter

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton, WA, United States
A $10 donation for a tour is suggested to help support the garden and its mission.